Head to Wod, located near the Wasteland Merchant on Roma. Control Point or Object: Wasteland Merchant.Complete the survival mission, and then use the Root Workbench to create the Twisted Set. On Earth, look for an area called the “The Gallows” located after the “Church” site (this is a dungeon that can spawn on a level). See also Splatoon 2 Spectator mode and LAN Play functionality confirmed Twisted Set A helmet is a random item that can be found on Earth. On the second floor you will find two parts of the Drifter’s Set. Break it with a melee, then bend down and crawl through the hole. In the Founder’s Hideout, there is a high bookshelf on the back wall next to the message board. Control Point or Object: Founder’s Hideout.These armors cannot boast of high characteristics, so we recommend that you change them at any opportunity. If you want to get other sets of armor, then go back to Rigs and just buy the remaining sets from him. The archetype of your choice affects the set of armor issued by Rigs in Ward 13. Make sure to check near the merchant for the Guardian’s Ring which will be lying on the ground.When passing the training prologue you have to choose a class for your character. Once you have done so, Guardian’s Blessing will unlock.

You will have to fight the Root Horror boss for real this time. Go back to where the Stuck Merchant was again.The fight isn’t too crazy, but at 50% health it will teleport away. When you pick them up, a boss will spawn called Root Horror. You should find the Radiant Helm along with a tome of knowledge inside.Doing so makes the door fully slide away and allows you access to the items inside. You should be able to find a dungeon named the Guardian Shrine somewhere in the same world, which has a large golden bell shaped door that must be opened by first interacting with it, then placing the Strange Curio in the key hole that appears.You will find a glowing quest item named Strange Curio. Check the back of the trading cart parked nearby her.The 100k scrap ring, Guardian’s Ring, you can skip as you’ll receive it for free soon, but definitely get the Radiant set pieces now if you haven’t already. Buy whatever you need from her now as she wont be available after this process. This is a friendly pan (the main inhabitants you find in this world) that sells 2 pieces of the Radiant Armor Set, the Spear and some consumables, notably, the Golden Plum.