300 cycles per second (children) = higher pitchhigher voice: increase in frequency of vocal fold vibrationlouder voice: increase in amplitude of vocal fold vibration.180 to 220 cycles per second (women) = medium pitch.110 cycles per second or Hz (men) = lower pitch.Sound is produced when aerodynamic phenomena cause vocal folds to vibrate rapidly in a sequence of vibratory cycles with a speed of about: Voice Depends on Vocal Fold Vibration and Resonance The articulators produce recognizable words. The resonators produce a person’s recognizable voice.Īrticulation: The vocal tract articulators (the tongue, soft palate, and lips) modify the voiced sound.

Resonance: Voiced sound is amplified and modified by the vocal tract resonators (the throat, mouth cavity, and nasal passages). Voiced sound for singing differs significantly from voiced sound for speech. Voiced sound: The basic sound produced by vocal fold vibration is called “voiced sound.” This is frequently described as a “buzzy” sound. The “spoken word” results from three components of voice production: voiced sound, resonance, and articulation. Voice as We Know It = Voiced Sound + Resonance + Articulation Opening between the two vocal folds the glottis opens during breathing and closes during swallowing and sound production “Fold-like” soft tissue that is the main vibratory component of the voice box comprised of a cover (epithelium and superficial lamina propria), vocal ligament (intermediate and deep laminae propria), and body (thyroarytenoid muscle) Highly specialized structure atop the windpipe responsible for sound production, air passage during breathing and protecting the airway during swallowing Anatomy and Physiology of Voice Production | Understanding How Voice is Produced | Learning About the Voice Mechanism | How Breakdowns Result in Voice Disorders